Clocking in at 19 minutes, this debut album from Brighton indie-punks, Really Big Really Clever just packs punch after punch after punch, leaving not a single moment wasted.

With half of these 10 tracks being longer than 2 minutes and none over 3, it really underlines the taught, lean, fierce nature of this record.

If you’re invested in the UK underground scene, then you’ll be familiar with GENDER ROLES. A band who were on the brink of greatness. A US tour booked, a 2nd album pressed and ready for release – Only to see it all implode when 2/3rds of the band, Jared Tomkins and Jordan Lilford moved on.

So it’s no surprise that the band sound angry. Straight out the traps the opening track “it’s changed” is furious. Singing “SOOOO MUCH HAS CHANGED, IIIIT’S NOT THE SAME”. The former bands signature bouncy sound is there, designed for maximum mosh pit action, but this is angrier. This is a lot more direct. This wallops you from the start and doesn’t let up over the next 20 minutes.

Track 4 “maybe you should get help” opens with an immediate, urgent riff and going straight into the chorus they waste no time making their opinion and intentions clear.

This is designed for maximum impact, instant gratification and ultimately as much fun as can be squeezed into 2:28.

Now let’s be clear, this isn’t a band reinventing the wheel. There is nothing here that you won’t already be familiar with, but the band do have their own unique sound with the broad alt-rock genre and they epitomize the nature of a band jumping in a car and driving to the arse end of nowhere and playing barns in the countryside to any waif and stary that happens to be passing. We had an entire culture of this in the UK a few years ago that appears to have been lost. Which is a shame, as this is the sort of band that the bedrock of the UK Music scene is built upon.

Two UK tours already under their belt and right in amongst their contemporaries, it’s no surprise that they’ve been seen out on the road supporting James and The Cold Gun, Chris Farren and WACO.

Oh, and before we forget the 2 new members Chris Childs and Sam Perkins, who are also of such cool dirty emo pop bands as H_ngm_n.

They’re experienced pros. They will go a long way in a very short space of time, and I truly hope they get the success they deserve.

Pick up this record now from, Beth Shalom Records here;

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